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Rev. Marenrri Duboy was born in Cuba and has had wide experience in the formation of leaders, including several years in pastoral and teaching works. Since 2001 he has collaborated with "International Support" in different countries of Latin American, instructing pastors and leaders who are without formal theological preparation.
He has served as a transcultural missionary in church planting in Bahía Murta and Rio Tranquilo in the area of Campos de Hielo Norte, a region of Aisén, Chile. He has also served among the tribes of the Mocovi del Chaco and in Colonia Dolores, province of Santa Fe, Argentina.
For several years he has dedicated himself to the formation of missionaries as an adjunct professor and director of the Center for Transcultural Missionary Training (CCMT), in Córdoba, Argentina.
His M.A. in Missions was obtained in the Facultad Teológica Sudamericana in Londrina, Brasil and he began his Ph.D. at William Carey University, Pasadena.
Together with his wife, Yoamirka, he is now living in Appleton, WI, USA where he pastors a wonderful congregation.
Dedicated to the training of the Hispanic people of North America, he is pastor of the "Iglesia Evangélica Hispanoamericana" of Appleton, Wisconsin, USA and associate professor of the "Hispanic Bible School" in Chicago, IL, USA.